Friday, June 1, 2007

Well I've reached the end of my course. I have to say I'm a little sad, but I do feel that my pictures have improved over the course of this class. This assignment was by far, the most challenging assignment. It was also my favorite, because not only did it challenge me, but I was forced to learn a little more about Photoshop. I took a series of 4 pictures, use photomerge in Adobe Photoshop Elements to merge them together, and then had to tweek each picture so that they flowed nice and evenly. The file was way big....and in order to condense it down to fit on my blog, it ended up being pretty pixeled...but I loved how it ended up. This pic will give you a idea of what the final product ended up as. It is a lot smaller, and harder to view, but hopefully you get the jist. Double click on the pic and you can see it enlarged. It will be pretty pixelated, but at least you can see it a lot bigger.