Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pictures from Mt. Graham

While on a weekend camping trip with the family up at Mt. Graham, I was able to break away from the girls for a while to take some pictures of the beautiful scenery! I've missed the mountains so much, and loved being able to photograph them. Hope you enjoy!
Fallen Tree
View of the Valley
Another view of the valley
Heliograph Peak
Lone Aspen
Beautiful wildflowers
Closeup of wildflowers
A view of the peak of the mountain


Vause Family said...

I'm officially jealous! All I have are buildings, concrete and noisy cab drivers. You should come to Chicago, though, if only to get some good shots!

Travis said...

Just thought that I would say hello and that your pictures look great. I think that its because you are Asian that you take great pics. Where do you live these days?