Sunday, May 20, 2007

Assignment 6 - White Balance

For this assignment, we had to use White Balance to determine the "temperature" of our final picture. White Balance serves almost the same purpose in digital SLRS as filters do in film cameras. We had to submit 2 sets of pictures with different white balances applied to the photograph. I had a difficult time choosing which pics to submit...I had so many favorites, so I will post the before and after of the 2 I decided to submit, and the afters of all the rest that I didn't submit, but really liked.

Lizard Before: Shot with Daylight WB Lizard After: Cloudy White Balance

I wanted the colors to POP a little more and

also wanted to show the contrast of the lizard and the rocks a little better. By changing the white balance to cloudy, I was able to warm the final picture up a little more.

Jay and Ainslee at Mesa Dam Before: Daylight White Balance

Jay and Ainslee at Mesa Dam After: Cloudy White Balance

Again, I wanted to show the warm colors of the mountainside, by changing the wb to cloudy I was able to do that.

The following pics are the ones I also considered submitting for this assignment, but didn't. All pics I submitted were taken during our day trip to Mesa Dam....a beautiful dam up on top of a Mesa in the middle of nowhere! We took the girls up, went for a short hike, and I of course got a ton of pictures! In fact, I may submit more miscellaneous just from that trip, I took over 100 pics while we were up there! Isn't digital film wonderful!


Anonymous said...

Your pictures are awesome! I am very impressed. Of course with beautiful scenery and your gorgeous family you can't go wrong.

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are awesome! I am very impressed. Of course with beautiful scenery and your gorgeous family you can't go wrong.